As much as we all love paging through a wonderful cookbook, the world is changing - with most books now being released in electronic format and accessed on smart phones and tablets. Food blogs and shared recipe sites have also changed the way that we collect and share recipes with friends and family. Online cooking schools and dozens of cooking shows and competitions have created new interest in trying new things, while not forgetting the comfort foods and traditional recipes and foods that make holidays and celebrating so memorable.
But I always end up going back to my bookcases to check a favorite recipe or technique from a favorite recipe book - and I love looking thru new cookbooks from up and coming food bloggers. Of the hundreds of cookbooks I have collected thru the years, the ones identified below are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES - the ones that I go back to over and over again. And if my house ever burned down, these are the ones that I absolutely would have to go out and replace. LOVE these treasured books! |